right on dude, nice creation. i just came up with a character of my own for my christmas special. you can see him in my news area, but the hardest part was characterizing the band Iced Earth for the suprise ending!!! transfering real people to your style when you dont know the people is tough, man!!
again nice work, and jeff sounds like it should be his name. maybe he should have arms that just appear when he needs them and kinda float around like his head does. it reminds me of the game worms armaggedon :P their arms float. this also sorta reminds me of joe cartoon or the weebl :D good work!!!
People fit into their names, most of the time. If the name is reasonable enough the overall appearance of the person should not matter.
I just couldn't help but seeing the character run into walls or something. Just a thought that occurred due to seeing no arms. I'll stop rambling now and wish that ...
... you would have a nice day.
that totally wat i saw him doin when i drew him :)